Get the hell out of here

p5260002I’m (almost) ready!

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  1. Sounds like a delightful way to spend the summer. Here’s another idea … the farm next to us is for sale & they have a beautiful barn. Maybe you can do some B&B theatre here, too. Our horses are a good audience, maybe some of the two-leggeds, also.

    Have a great time doing stuff you love.

    • op 28/05/09 om 19:19

    ENJOY, You are going to do what you love to do. I expect you to return to us looking like Apollo!!!! Rob

    • op 28/05/09 om 17:10

    Have a great time! Looks like a wonderful festival 🙂

    • Claire op 28/05/09 om 16:35

    Hey Rob – you sure you packed everything?!!!!
    Have a fantastic time, what an experience. Looking forward to your blogs. Loads of love Claire Simon & Martin xx

    • kevin op 28/05/09 om 15:02


    Good luck. Hopefully getting back to your theater roots will be fun and exciting. Also if you are getting on stage break a leg!

    • Caro op 28/05/09 om 13:26

    Hey Rob

    Way to go, you must be so excited.
    Wish I was there too.

    good luck and big kisses

    • Jan van de Woestijne op 27/05/09 om 12:14

    Succes, Robert

    • op 26/05/09 om 21:53

    The bags are packed and he is ready to go!

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