Terschellings Oerol Festival

I’m currently working on the Terschellings Oerol Festival, which takes place from 12 through 21 June.

“Terschellings Oerol Festival is an annual location-specific theatre festival held on the Dutch island Terschelling in mid-June. Location-specific theatre, theatre in barns, sheds and on the streets, modern dance, opera, visual art, music and the various cross-overs are the ingredients of a festival that uses the whole island as its stage. Over the past 25 years, the festival has grown from a small-scale street festival into an internationally recognised, multi-disciplinary festival.”

Permanente koppeling naar dit artikel: http://www.robertpit.com/nl/terschellings-oerol-festival/

1 reactie

    • Linda op 30/05/09 om 01:30

    Can’t wait to see the photos and hear the stories!

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